lettuce is now built with Java 8 but can be used with Java 6, 7 and 8. Java 6 and 7 support will be dropped with lettuce 4.0. The new lettuce-testcontainer project ensures until then. You can find the build results at https://travis-ci.org/mp911de/lettuce-testcontainer

lettuce is also now on Gitter. If you need any support, meet lettuce at https://gitter.im/mp911de/lettuce

SSL Support

SSL support for Redis means that you need a Redis that is behind some SSL tunnel (mostly stunnel). You can use this feature with Java 6, 7 and 8. The only issue using Java 6 is that you won't be able to verify the Redis host name against the SSL certificate. Redis with SSL works only in a sane way when you use standalone Redis. Sentinel and Redis Cluster provide host and port details, and since Redis has no out-of-the-box SSL support you would always connect to the unencrypted ports even your first connection to Sentinel or Cluster was encrypted.

SSL and StartTLS are supported; Client certificates are not supported.

See https://github.com/mp911de/lettuce/wiki/SSL-Connections for details on SSL connections.


  • Change build environment to JDK8 #49
  • Allows lambda expressions on streaming channels enhancement #47
  • JavaDoc compatibility with Java 8 #39
  • Add cluster commands: Readonly, and clusterNodes #38 (for standalone) (Thanks to @taer)
  • Add RedisFuture return to RedisPubSubConnection API enhancement #34
  • Provide API and visibility in order to extend RedisClient and its connections #33
  • SSL support enhancement and improved channel initialization #28
  • Allow reset on internal connection state enhancement #25
  • Enhance lettuce resilience enhancement #24
  • Add jsr305 annotation lib #45


  • Fix synchronized issue enhancement #44 (Thanks to @taer)
  • RedisClusterConnection stops operation after #42 (Thanks to @taer)
  • Fix time conversion for timeout settings #36 (Thanks to @taer)
  • Pool return no longer nulls connection #35 (Thanks to @taer)
  • Fix Method Signature RedisClient.connectPubSub bug #23
  • Fix URL parsing #32

lettuce requires a minimum of Java 8 to build and Java 6 run. It is tested continuously against Redis 3.0.


Maven coordinates:



Any feedback is appreciated or create issues on GitHub.