
  • Disque Client spinach 0.2 released

    I released spinach 0.2 today.

    This release addresses minor issues and allows to use lettuce 3.3.Final. It adds support for more Disque commands and eases creation of a DisqueURI.


  • The Full Stack Developer

    I read The full stack developer is a myth story written by Scott Hadfield the other day. Once I got through the post, I realized a couple of things. The first major point is, there’s no uniform understanding what full stack developer means. More issues are the views of the commenters to the article and the opinion of companies mentioned in the article. It shares my experience how companies deal with so-called full stack developers. This article will clarify that view. Let me give you some context before I come back to full stack developers.


  • ScareOS: Arduino Halloween Pumpkin How-to

    Muhahahaha! Aaaaargh! Trick or Treat. Be so sweet. Give me something good to eat.

    I wanted to build something cool and scary for Halloween. Here in Germany Helloween is just about to become a trend. Meet the ScareOS, a thingy to spice up Halloween.


    • Moving eyes (object tracking perhaps in version 2 – have to figure out how to integrate motion tracking)
    • Discovers if someone is around by using a ranging sensor
    • Plays Halloween sounds when it’s awake
    • Sleep state if no one is around for a while
    • Whines when someone comes too close


  • Reading from master, slave or nearest Redis Cluster nodes

    lettuce 4.0.Beta2 features ReadFrom Settings. ReadFrom affects how lettuce routes read operations to the members of a Redis Cluster.

    By default, lettuce routes its read operations to the master node. Reading from the master returns the most recent version of the data because write operations are issued to the single master node. Reading from masters guarantees strong consistency.

    You can reduce latency or improve read throughput by distributing reads to slave members of the Redis cluster for applications that do not require fully up-to-date data. ReadFrom is set per connection, meaning you can use different connections with different ReadFrom settings.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.3 Final released

    I’m very excited to present you lettuce 3.3.Final. Read on for the details or jump to the end to find the summary and the download links.


  • Do not tear it apart!

    Implementing clean architecture is amazing. A clean architecture fundamentally changes the way you create software and perform changes to existing code. The architectural style, also known as Jacobson architecture or Onion architecture, is based on the business rules. Meaning the application model and use cases. These parts become the explicit core of such an application. The core is agnostic against the database, the web, and frameworks, which are then just plugins to the application.


  • Using lettuce 3.3.Beta1 with the Redis Geo-API

    The Geo-API of the upcoming Redis 3.2 release allows to maintain a set (backed by a Redis sorted set) of Geo points described by WGS84 coordinates. You can add and query set members using the new Geo-API. Use ZREM to remove members from the
    until is resolved.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.3.Beta1 and 4.0.Beta1 released

    I released today two betas of lettuce: 3.3.Beta1 and 4.0.Beta1. What is the difference between those versions? Both use netty and a very similar core to serve as Redis driver. The 4.0 branch introduces a Reactive API, stateful connections, improved API and command execution on multiple cluster nodes. 4.0 also introduces a set of breaking changes. The 3.x branch is supported for at least a year, new Redis commands will be supported in both branches. 4.0 is the next generation of lettuce.


  • A look on CDI 2.0 EDR1

    CDI is one of the best additions to Java EE of the recent. This opinion is widely shared amongst users and integrators. CDI 1.2, the current version, was released in April, 2014. Now in mid-2015, we face the early draft review of the CDI 2.0 spec. CDI 2.0 will run on Java 8 and higher.


  • First release of spinach, a Java Disque client

    I released the first version of spinach, a scalable Java Disque client based on netty. spinach is built on top of the lettuce client which provides SSL and Unix domain connections in addition to plaintext connections.

    Basic usage

    DisqueClient client = new DisqueClient("host");
    DisqueConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect().sync();
    DisqueCommands<String, String> sync = connection.sync();
    String jobId = sync.addjob("queue", "body", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
    Job<String, String> job = sync.getjob("queue");


    For complete information on spinach see the websites:


    Maven coordinates:


    Any feedback is appreciated or create issues on GitHub.