
  • The 95 percent

    Test-driven development is a life-assurance for several software projects.

    I’ve started about 10 years ago with test-driven development. Since then I fell into the mantra writing test code then production code run the test and start over. Sometimes even model and interface first then test code then production code and so on. This way less bugs had a chance to remain within production code. But unit testing is not everything. The next level is integration testing, which help to discover even more bugs. As soon as components play together, they start to behave slightly different than assumed in unit tests. Sometimes integration-tests are the only way to test a software (in a sensible way).


  • First look at Datenpumpe

    Logstash, Elastic Search and Kibana gave us power back over our logs. Now it’s time to expand our potential and use well known components to get even more out of the ELK stack.


  • logstash-gelf 1.5.1 released

    I’ve released today logstash-gelf 1.5.1. This is a bugfix release for JBoss AS7/Wildfly users who use the NDC/MDC.


  • logstash-gelf 1.5.0 released

    I’ve released today logstash-gelf 1.5.0. This is a major release. logstash-gelf 1.5.0 is the first GELF library which supports the final release of log4j 2.0. This release carries some library updates and internal refactorings to provide also a standalone usage of Gelf message submission.


  • Deployment automation: Showing the progress of your deployment

    Automated deployments are the state of the art. Incorporating with a deployment pipeline you get the maximum available for now. But what happens in your deployment? Do you know the progress when it’s running? I want to tell you, how I’ve used Capistrano, Bootstrap and MongoDB to visualize the deployment progress with the deployment dashboard.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.0.Beta2 released

    This release is intended to be the last beta release of lettuce. As soon as Redis 3.0 goes final, I’ll release the final of lettuce 3.0.

    This release contains:

    • Documentation (Javadoc and Wiki)
    • Improved test stability for a stable and reproducible build
    • Changed redis ports from 63xx to 64xx for testing
    • Fixed clientKill because of changed clientList output
    • Adjusted resource cleanup to prevent memory leaks
    • Prevent refCnt exceptions in case of parallel close & read
    • Fixed PubSub API
    • Fixed command leaking when client is not yet online/disconnected and commands are issued while the client is in the re-connect phase
    • Code cleanup, fixing sonar violations
    • Support for SENTINEL MASTERS command
    • Support for DEBUG SEGFAULT command
    • Support for PUBSUB command
    • Support for sorted set commands ZLEXCOUNT, ZRANGEBYLEX, ZREMRANGEBYLEX
    • Minor fixes like typos, maven site on

    Coverage Status


    Maven coordinates:


    Any feedback is appreciated or create issues on GitHub.

  • JUnit testing the InitialContext: Why is there no simple mocking for JEE contexts?

    Every then and when, a Java Enterprise project starts. JEE is great. Java Enterprise projects enforce in many cases the usage of the InitialContext and sometimes CDI with using the BeanManager interface. Both are hard to enable within tests.


  • Integrating Logstash with Tomcat 7

    Ever wondered, how to integrate logstash and Tomcat 7 the easy way? Here we go!


  • logstash-gelf 1.4.2 released

    I’ve released today logstash-gelf 1.4.2, I’ll be available until this evening on Maven Central.


  • Increasing development velocity and application maintainability using a Microservice Bus

    Developing applications can be a fun. Developing applications can be also a big pain.

    It depends on a lot of factors. Let’s focus today on maintainability/extensibility and a framework concept called Microservice Bus.
