
  • Blue/Green Deployments to Pivotal Cloud Foundry using Gradle

    Blue/Green deployments are a method of deploying with zero downtime. This is possible on Pivotal’s CloudFoundry using either the CLI, Maven, or Gradle. Matt Stine wrote earlier on this topic how to do blue/green deployments using the CLI.


  • My JavaLand 2016 Summary

    The last two days, 08.03 – 09.03.2016, I attended JavaLand 2016. I was lucky having a talk about „What’s New in CDI 2.0“ and it was great for me. This year JavaLand came up with a Newcomer track for speakers that didn’t speak at a larger conference before. We were 10 speakers, each having a 20-minute slot.

    This year JavaLand Keynote was more of an overview of the conference announcing 109 talks with over 390 submissions and about 30 Newcomer submissions of which 10 were accepted. Over 800 people attended the keynote.


  • Iterate over all keys in a Redis Cluster

    Redis provides a neat command to iterate over all keys on a node. It’s the SCAN command that is used to scan over keys and to return a cursor to resume then the scanning from the cursor position. Complexity comes in when using Redis Cluster. In the previous scenario, all keys are located on one Redis node. With Redis Cluster keys are spread over some nodes.


  • Redis transactions

    Redis transactions allow to group multiple commands and to execute them sequentially. The whole transactional state is isolated from other users and becomes visible once a transaction is committed.

    A Redis transaction is different from transactions in, let’s say, relational databases. A Redis transaction feels more like a queue/stack of commands because commands are queued and the execution is deferred. This is true for reads and writes. The real surprise is the read commands because any return value is returned only upon transaction execution.


  • Hello, Pivotal

    I consider myself very lucky for contributing to the open source space. Open source is one of the main building blocks of our digital world. For me, contributing is sharing, and sharing is giving back. I started contributing in early 2011. Transparency, quality, and purpose are my main reasons for my open source involvements. That is how I got in touch with the Spring Data team.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.4 and 4.1 Final released

    I just released lettuce 3.4.Final and lettuce 4.1.Final. You can find the full details about 3.4.Final and 4.1.Final on Github.

    These release contain numerous features and bugfixes. Lettuce introduces reusable client-resources, an EventBus, client metrics, and support for newly introduced commands. This versions work with Redis 3.2 RC3 but Redis expects a change in the format of CLUSTER NODES. So watch out for a new release of lettuce as soon as Redis 3.2 RC4 or a final is released.


  • Geometric Brownian motion with Java

    The Wiener process is a continuous-time stochastic process named in honor of Norbert Wiener. It’s commonly used to represent noise or financial development with a random component.

    The geometric brownian motion can be calculated to visualize certain bounds (in quantiles) to hint about the absolute range.

  • MIDI and Live Video Streaming at Heckenlights

    At its heart, Heckenlights relies on MIDI and Live Video Streaming technologies to bring the live experience to website visitors. Let me tell you today how MIDI and Live Video Streaming is done at Heckenlights.


  • Halloween on Arduino Aftermath

    The plan for this year’s Halloween: Built a scary thingy based on Arduino. Halloween is over now.

    I built an Arduino-backed jack-o’-lantern with LED matrix panel eyes, an ultrasonic ranging sensor for the nose and a sound module to play scary Halloweenish sounds. It is impressive to see the whole thing assembled. They eyes move around, the thing can go into sleep if no one is around and wake if someone comes close to the pumpkin.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.3.1 and 4.0 Final released

    I just released lettuce 3.3.1.Final and lettuce 4.0.Final. I’m going to tell you in this post more about 4.0. You can find the full details about 3.3.1.Final and 4.0.Final on Github.

    lettuce 4.0 is a major release that introduces numerous changes like stateful connections, the reactive API and many more. Lettuce 4.0 includes all features from lettuce 3.3.

    Highlights of lettuce 4.0.Final

    • Reactive API
    • Stateful connections
    • Cross-slot command execution
    • Node Selection API/Execution of commands on multiple cluster nodes
    • ReadFrom Settings/Redis Cluster slave reads
    • Custom commands

    This release contains some breaking changes. You may want to consult the wiki at Migration from 3.x to 4.x to check the migration guide.
