
  • Clean Architecture with Java and Maven

    I wrote about 2 years ago about Clean Architecture/Onion Architecture. Now it is time to revisit this topic.

    Architecture is about purpose and not about tools.

    This rule applies to architecture of buildings the same way as it applies to software. Software consists of several parts that make the software do something. Software architecture represents what code is located in what place.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.0.3 Final released

    I released lettuce 3.0.3. This is a bugfix release fixing a memory leak in pubsub and adds stability when reconnecting.


  • It’s a joy to debug Selenium Tests with Selenide and JBehave

    Debugging tests is always tricky. Debugging Selenium Tests executed with JBehave is harder. The JBehave tests are executed and stack traces are written to logs. In many cases, you can’t reproduce the case or you need to fiddle around, where to set your breakpoint. This is not effective. This is annoying. I want to present you a slightly different and improved approach for debugging Selenium/Selenide tests. You will need either CDI, a Spring Context or Google Guice as prerequisite.


  • Redis Client lettuce 3.0.2 Final released

    I released lettuce 3.0.2. This is a bugfix release fixing a memory leak in pubsub.

    This release contains:



    • Streamline build and release


    Maven coordinates:


    Any feedback is appreciated or create issues on GitHub.

  • logstash-gelf 1.6.0 released

    I released today logstash-gelf 1.6.0. This release contains support for GELF 1.1 spec, Redis Sentinel and the Datenpumpe.


  • Social Christmas: Heckenlights erwacht am 1. Dezember 2014 um 17 Uhr

    heckenlights-logoWeihnachten ist das Fest der Liebe, Freude und des Lichts. Weihnachtsdekorationen rund um die Welt zieren Häuser, Straßen und Bäume.

    Der Christmas Spirit Tree hat im Internet der Dinge den Start gemacht und das Online-Unvisersum (Tweets und Blogs) auf einen Weihnachtsbaum gebracht. Im Heckenpfad in Weinheim erwachen ab dem 1. Dezember die Lichter der interaktiven Weihnacht mit einer Show, deren Programm in der Hand des Zuschauers liegt.


  • Heckenlights, social christmas lights awake on Dec. 1st 5pm (CET)

    heckenlights-logoChristmas means joy, love and light to us. Cities, houses and streets are decorated for christmas all around the world.

    Christmas has reached the internet, too. The Christmas Spirit Tree was one of the first christmas-themed things of the internet. It showed movement in the social universe of tweets and blogs. And here, in Heckenpfad, Weinheim, Germany, the sparkle of Heckenlights will launch on December 1st. Lights will switch on for admiring and listening.


  • What is Heckenlights

    Some years ago I moved into my own home. At that time I had the idea to setup christmas lights in our garden. Maybe not as large as Carson Williams setup, but at least something. And well, you know, it grew from year to year. Now I came to the point where I want give you control over the lights.


  • Finding the right NoSQL data store: Results for my use case and a surprise

    Some time ago, I wrote about finding the right NoSQL data store. It depends pretty much on what you want to do. After a series of tests I finally have some results I want to share. My goal: Find the most appropriate NoSQL data store for our project’s use case.


    The requirements is to parse XML files which are stored on a storage system and put relevant keys into a data store to be able to find the data again. It’s a sort of index. The data is hierarchical with two levels (master and detail). The data stream is continuous and there is a lot of data (not big data). 10’s of TB’s.


  • logstash-gelf 1.5.4 released

    I released today logstash-gelf 1.5.4. This release carries some internal improvements if you plan to extend log appenders and GELF senders.
