
  • IT Security and SOA-Governance: The Service-Authority

    Do you SOA? In case you do, how do you manage IT Security within a massively distributed landscape? In one of my recent projects we met lots of services and the challenge of IT security: Authentication and Authorization.


  • 3 years agile: A look back

    I’m working for 3 years now with an agile approach. Before that, it was either sort of waterfall or a complete mess. The first agile steps were as well sort of agile but not the real one.

    My experience is, that the way my current team is working, is real agile for about a year now. Before that, it was a try and error from which we learned a lot.

  • Beyond agile

    In every evolution step has a start and an end. Sometimes they’re blurry, so you can’t say for sure, where you are at. In every step, sooner or later, arises the question: What’s next? What comes after agile? What ist the future of agile? This is today exactly my point.


  • The real value of integrated Tests (aka. Integration Tests)

    A couple months ago, the team, I work on, introduced integration tests. Before that, we had only regular Unit tests, which ran in a very isolated environment. You do not have a control, how your modules behave when they interact in a real environment. You cannot test a lifecycle with persistence to be confident, because you need much more than mocks.


  • The two faces of Clean Code Development

    Recently I reported about Clean Code Development. Everybody who’s visiting trainings, courses and sessions is amazed. It’s easy, most topics are obvious but not everyone is always aware of these topics. But when you look deeper constrained by the big picture there is as well a dark side.


  • Xtreme Feedback Device

    All the developers I know, recieve a mass of Mail – JIRA updates, Commit-Mails, daily mails and sometimes a notification from your Build system about broken builds. This notification mails could easily be overseen. However overseeing or disregarding the notification about broken builds is very detrimental because the notification helps to prevent bugs and increase quality. And could you imagine, what happens, when a broken build has to be released? For sure, it will cause lots of effort.


  • Unit-Testing of Web-Services with JUnit – REST Services

    In my last post, Unit-Testing of Web-Services with JUnit – SOAP Services, I’ve demonstrated how you can test local SOAP Services with remoting in a local Unit-Test. But since SOAP service become more and more unpopular, there might be a different technique. Currently REST becomes the name of the game. So let’s take a look at JUnit testing RESTful services with remoting.


  • Clean Code Development: Code Examples

    I want to give you a better insight in Clean Code. Therefore i created a bunch of code lines with examples. These show you a set of good/bad (after/before) scenarios. You can find these at GitHub:

  • Reflections: 6 Years of Clean Code Development

    Now it’s 6 years ago, since I started to apply Clean Code Development (CCD). For me it’s today way more than It became a system of values, based on best practices, principles and a set of pragmatism.

  • The moment where all of them are looking at you. Or: Epic Fail?

    There are days or weeks, you feel, every day something is failing. Crashing systems, strange bugs, ghosts. For some reason you don’t know, why this happens, over and over. But you are the man in the middle. You’re the one, having all those dependencies. Then you have to fix it.