Using lettuce 3.3.Beta1 with the Redis Geo-API

The Geo-API of the upcoming Redis 3.2 release allows to maintain a set (backed by a Redis sorted set) of Geo points described by WGS84 coordinates. You can add and query set members using the new Geo-API. Use ZREM to remove members from the
until is resolved.

The design of the Geo-API within lettuce, differs from other APIs in lettuce. The response structures of GEORADIUS depend on the command input, and there are other languages that fit better into the Redis response structure patterns. The static type checking within Java would only allow a List<Object> (or Object) which contains nested Lists and Maps carrying the data. You would have to cast the elements to maps or lists and access then again the nested elements. Working with Lists and Maps in Java is less convenient compared to JavaScript or Ruby.

The Geo-API features GeoCoordinates and GeoWithin types that allow direct access to the response values such as distance or the coordinate points.

Let’s face the Geo-API

Spatial data in Redis 3.2 is held within Geo sets that are basically sorted sets. Data can be added, removed and queried.
So the Geo set needs some data (“members”) before we can start querying the spatial data. Every Geo entry consists of three parts:

  • Name
  • Longitude
  • Latitude

Elements can be added either one by one

redis.geoadd(key, 8.6638775, 49.5282537, "Weinheim");

or multiple elements at once:

redis.geoadd(key, 8.6638775, 49.5282537, "Weinheim",
                  8.3796281, 48.9978127, "Office tower",
                  8.665351, 49.553302, "Train station");

Geo sets cannot contain duplicate members, so adding “Weinheim” does not cause duplicates within the set.

Let’s say, you have a geo coordinate and you want to see what’s within a radius of 5 kilometers:

// georadius contains "Weinheim" and "Train station"
Set<String> georadius = redis.georadius(key, 8.6582861, 49.5285695,

The GEORADIUS query returns two items: “Weinheim” and “Train station”.
This simple call contains only the members without any additional details.

Now we calculate the distance between those two points in kilometers (supported units are: meters, kilometers, feet, and miles).

// distance ≈ 2.78km
Double distance = redis.geodist(key, "Weinheim", "Train station",;
System.out.println("Distance: "+ distance);

The GEORADIUS commands provides a variant with more data accepting arguments. You can decide whether you want to retrieve:

  • the Geo hash
  • the Coordinates
  • limit the result
  • order the result by distance (ascending/descending)

The result contains a list of GeoWithin elements. The provided data within GeoWithin depends on the args, which results were requested.

GeoArgs geoArgs = new GeoArgs().withHash()

// georadiusWithArgs contains "Weinheim" and "Train station"
// ordered descending by distance and containing distance/coordinates
List<GeoWithin<String>> georadiusWithArgs = redis.georadius(key,
                                                        8.665351, 49.5285695,
GeoWithin<String> weinheim = georadiusWithArgs.get(0);
System.out.println("Member: " + weinheim.member);
System.out.println("Geo hash: " + weinheim.geohash);
System.out.println("Distance: " + weinheim.distance);
System.out.println("Coordinates: " + weinheim.coordinates.x + "/" + weinheim.coordinates.y);

You can retrieve elements either by coordinate or set member as reference for the center of the query radius. The GEORADIUSBYMEMBER command works like GEORADIUS but accepts a set member to retrieve the elements within a certain radius:

// georadius contains "Weinheim" (self) and "Train station"
Set<String> georadiusByMember = redis.georadiusbymember(key, "Weinheim",

Note that the result contains the point of reference in addition to other results. Like the GEORADIUS command, GEORADIUSBYMEMBER as well accepts GeoArgs which allow you to retrieve more than just the name of the member.

The last Geo API command is GEOPOS which returns the geo-coordinates for one or more members from the Geo set. The result contains a list of GeoCoordinates which is also used in GeoWithin.

List<GeoCoordinates> geopos = redis.geopos(key, "Weinheim", "Train station");
GeoCoordinates weinheimGeopos = geopos.get(0);
System.out.println("Coordinates: " + weinheimGeopos.x + "/" + weinheimGeopos.y);


The Redis Geo-API allows basic use cases when working with spatial data. lettuce 3.3.Beta1 allows you to use the Geo-API on a higher level than just lists and maps. You need to use the unstable Redis branch and lettuce 3.3.Beta1 to use the Geo API. I am excited, how the Geo-API evolves.

How to get lettuce 3.3.Beta1 and support

Maven coordinates:


The full example

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