logstash-gelf 1.5.0 released

I’ve released today logstash-gelf 1.5.0. This is a major release. logstash-gelf 1.5.0 is the first GELF library which supports the final release of log4j 2.0. This release carries some library updates and internal refactorings to provide also a standalone usage of Gelf message submission.

This release contains following changes:


  • #22 Enabled programmatic attachment of custom GelfSenderProvider (thanks to @Batigoal)
  • #23 Update to json-simple 1.1.1/log4j2 2.0/commons-pool2 2.2
  • #24 Allow submission of the full MDC (includeFullMdc)
  • Supports NDC on log4j 1.2.x and Markers (log4j2, logback)
  • Support for standalone submission of messages (GelfMessageBuilder)
  • Support for coveralls.io test coverage statistics
  • Added connect and socket timeouts to TCP and Redis senders
  • Refactoring/Code deduplication
  • Extended tests


Maven coordinates:


Any feedback is appreciated or create issues on GitHub.

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