Reusable GZIP Streams

This post explains the use of a pooled GZIP OutputStream. The initial
motivation were performance measurements of the GZIP’ing inside of logstash-gelf.

Using new instances of GZIPOutputStream is costly and allocates a bunch of objects (byte buffer, Deflater) and more.

A reusable GZIPOutputStream differs from the JDK-provided class in some points:

  1. Do not write the GZIP header upon instance creation but expose a writeHeader() method
  2. Expose a reset() method to reset the deflater state
  3. Do not close the stream to keep it reusable

A design pattern of Java streams is that the target requires being set upon construction. That’s a limitation
for reusing but can be mitigated by constructing the pooled OutputStream instance with a custom OutputStream
that allows you to switch the target.

Running a benchmark with the unpooled and pooled streams speaks for itself. The reduced garbage per compression run also
affects the deviation in a positive way.

Benchmark                                  Mode  Cnt       Score       Error  Units
GelfMessageAssemblerPerf.compressPooled    avgt    5   18164,796 ±  5717,793  ns/op
GelfMessageAssemblerPerf.compressUnpooled  avgt    5  184431,045 ± 46292,939  ns/op

Find the code at Github:

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