R2DBC Tour: Mid- and North-Germany

R2DBC Tour took place in Mid- and North-parts of Germany. R2DBC standardizes reactive integrations with SQL databases as Open Source initiative.

Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC) started out as idea to see what’s possible when thinking about reactive programming and SQL databases. Since the last months, R2DBC grew beyond that idea. It inspired driver maintainers and client library authors as common language: A specification for drivers and an interface for library authors so they can build client libraries on top of a vendor-independent SPI. Client libraries are tools that we as application developers need to keep productivity high and not to solve problems that are solved already.

I visited last week Berlin at microXchg. A fantastic little conference. The tour continued to Aachen, where EuregJUG made a video of my talk. You can find it on YouTube:

The talk on Wednesday took place in Paderborn hosted by JUG Paderborn and on Thursday I had the honor to talk at a historical Hamburg location, at Ballindamm. Thanks to JUG Hamburg for having me.

My talk at JUG Hannover concluded that week and I was able to head home for my Birthday weekend together with my Family.

See you next week in Switzerland and Austria. Check out jug.ch for locations and dates in Bern, Lucerne, Zurich and EJUG Austria for Linz and Vienna.

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